1. Telur 

Sebiji telur dapat membekalkan badan dengan kualiti protein yang terbaik selain whey protein yang mahal tu. Kebanyakan orang membuat kesilapan besar dengan membuang kuning telur dan makan putih telur sahaja, dan ianya salah! Telur kuning mengimbangkan asid amino daripada putih telur dan dengan itu mewujudkan campuran sempurna asid amino untuk pertumbuhan otot yang optimum. Dalam kuning telur memang kaya dengan B-vitamin, terutama vitamin B12. Dalamnya juga mengandungi zink, kalsium dan fosforus dan mineral yang lain dan boleh dikatakan sumber terbaik vitamin lemak larut A, D dan K. Saya sangat menyarankan anda makan kuning telur dan tidak membuang semuanya selepas ini. Paling terbaik adalah untuk setiap dua putih telur makan satu telur kuning.

2. Koko (Dark Chocolate mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 80% kandungan koko atau lebih tinggi) 

Coklat yang mempunyai kandungan tinggi koko memberi banyak manfaat kepada kesihatan, satu daripadanya adalah keberkesanannya untuk mempercepatkan pembakaran lemak. Di samping itu, coklat gelap juga sangat kaya dengan antioksidan yang sihat, termasuk sebatian kuat dipanggil teobromina, yang telah di buktikan boleh membantu untuk mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi dan mempunyai manfaat kesihatan yang lain. Kandungan lemak dalam coklat gelap berkualiti berasal daripada lemak semula jadi yang sihat dalam bentuk mentega koko dan bukan dari mana-mana lemak tambahan lain. Saya sarankan untuk mencari 80-90 peratus koko kalau nak makan coklat, kerana coklat ini dengan jelas dapat meningkatkan kesihatan dan kemampuan untuk menghilangan lemak anda di perut tu. hehe...

3. Zaitun dan Minyak Kelapa

Santan dan minyak adalah sumber lemak tepu yang sihat dipanggil trigliserida rantaian sederhana (MCT), termasuk komponen yang dipanggil asid laurik, yang merupakan nutrisi kuat untuk sistem imunisasi anda. Banyak makanan barat kekurangan sumber daripada ini. Di samping itu, MCT mudah digunakan untuk tenaga oleh badan dan kurang cenderung untuk disimpan sebagai lemak badan berbanding dengan lemak jenis lain. Banyak minyak kelapa dara dijual dipasaran sekarang senang je nak dapatkan. Minyak zaitun adalah sumber yang luar biasa dari segi asid oleik dan mempunyai banyak manfaat kesihatan. Ia adalah salah satu makanan yang paling sihat anda boleh makan setiap hari.



4. Avokado 

Avocado adalah salah satu makanan yang paling sihat kerana avacado ada kandungan-kandungan yang membantu dalam penyembuhan penyakit. Avacado dikatakan mempunyai kesan anti-radang dan amat kaya dengan karotenoid. Penyerapan optimum fitonutrien larut lemak hanya memerlukan jumlah penggunaan yang betul dan kombinasi inilah yang terdapat di dalam avocado. Merendahkan paras gula, pencegahan kanser, pembuangan toksin, mengurangkan keradangan dan menyihatkan kardiovaskular - ini adalah beberapa kesan ketara apabila anda mengamalkan pemakanan buah avocado ini.

5. Walnut dan badam mentah 

Kebanyakan kacang mengandungi lemak antara 75-90% dari segi nisbah kalori lemak, ini adalah satu lagi jenis makanan yang mempunyai lemak yang sihat, dan mempunyai tahap mikronutrien  yang tinggi seperti vitamin, mineral dan antioksidan.
Kacang juga sumber  serat dan protein yang baik. Sudah tentu, anda dapat mengawal gula dalam darah dan yang paling best boleh membantu dalam pembakaran lemak. Bakar je dalam oven badam mentah banyak banyak macam kat gambar bawah ni dan simpan dalam bekas untuk anda makan bila-bila masa.

Badam mentah yang dah di bakar

Kacang juga membantu untuk mengekalkan tahap hormon pembakaran lemak  di dalam badan anda (pengambilan lemak sihat yang mencukupi adalah amat penting untuk keseimbangan hormon) dan juga membantu untuk mengawal selera makan supaya anda tidak terlebih makan, walaupun anda mengambil makanan yang tinggi lemak seperti ini.

Share la kalau korang rasa artikel bagi manfaat kat orang lain=)


Before and after workout is the most critical time for nutrient consumption. And from all the nutrients there is one in particular that determines our energy and performance levels – carbohydrates. In today’s post I am going to explain my view on carbs intake before and after workout. There are numerous theories on which is the most efficient way to take carbs and how their manipulation leads to optimization of fat loss and muscle gain. It is important to note, that although protein and fat consumption may be rather fixed, carbohydrates are subject to great change, depending on your energy expenditure and basic metabolic rate (BMR). While there is a perceived standard for protein intake for bodybuilders, there is no perceived standard for carbs. 


Because different people require different amounts of carbs depending on how much energy they spend resting, training and performing everyday activities. Certain ectomorphs may need large amounts of carbs (over 4 grams per kg of bodyweight), while certain endomorphs may need only as little as 1 gram per kg of bodyweight. Now that we’ve passed through some of the basics behind carbs need, let’s focus on the most important time of the day when we should optimize their consumption. 

For a period of 2-3 hours before workout I take very low amount of carbs with very low glycemic index. Yeah, you heard it right – I limit my carb intake before working out. Why? Because consuming carbs before training lowers your nervous system excitement, which automatically lowers your training focus and drive. Try it for yourself and you will see how different you feel when training. I suggest having a complex carb like brown rice minimum 2 hours before working out.

After the last meal – only amino acids or pre-workout supplements. Consuming a large portion of carbs before working out will kill your workout and make you feel sleepy, lazy and slow. Follow my advice and see the difference.

Approximately 15 minutes after your workout you should consume a 30-50 grams of high quality whey protein combined with 30 to 100 grams of carbs. The amount of carbs you consume following the workout depends on two factors: volume of the workout and the total carb consumption throughout the day. If you were relatively low on carbs for the whole day or you performed a 40 sets leg workout, then make sure you load with a large amount of carbs post-workout. This will help with replenishing glycogen stores and speeding up recuperation.

As to the type of carbs, I usually go with 2 bananas and a double protein shake (that’s around 45 grams of simple carbs). An hour after this I will have large portion of chicken or tuna with rice. Don’t hurry up to eat after the last working set. Let the body rest for 10-15 minutes and for the heart rate to drop down, so that your digestive system is ready to work. Another important note is that the lower your body fat is – the higher amount of carbs your should consume post-workout. The higher your body fat is – the lower amount of carbs you should consume. Individuals with above 15% BF should not take carbs post-workout.

How to Structure the Cutting Phase Right

Most of the people lose a lot of muscle mass when they start cutting simply because they don’t know how to structure the cutting phase properly. One should be aware that the body is always trying to maintain a homeostasis – this means that it is searching for the most comfortable state, without any stress. However, when you begin the cutting period it is almost inevitable to do very radical changes to your diet and training. Many people are starting to cut and they lower their calories, lower the weights they are using and increase the cardio – all of these simultaneously. 

This combination of stress factors leads to drastic rise in cortisol and other stress hormones, which leads to lowered metabolic rate and weaker body. The person is often left frustrated at why he or she is looking smaller, flatter and fatter. If you want to evade such situation there is one thing you can do – ask me. You are lucky enough to get a very valuable tip on how to structure your cutting phase properly. Pay attention and take notes:

1. Increase training load, but don’t lower calories 

Lowering of calories means owering of the basic metabolic rate, which means that you will burn less fat during the day. Instead of lowering calories at first, try increasing your workout volume. This will lead to more calories burned and more Growth Hormone secreted.
2. Lower carbs slowly over a long period of time 

This will guarantee minimal loss of strength and energy. At the beginning of the diet when you increase training volume try to maximize carb intake as well, so that in the weeks to come you will slowly start lowering the amount of carbs. The more carbs you consume at the beginning of your diet – the more you will have to reduce from and thus, the bigger the capacity for fat loss will be. Lower carbs 5% each week. 

3. Incorporate cardio after 1 month from the date you started 

If you start cardio along with the diet – this may cause big stress on the body. Rather do the diet for 1 month so that you adapt to the lowered amount of carbs and increased training volume and only after you reach a plateau – then start the cardio. Make sure you start with short training sessions and slowly increase over another 1-month period of time. Star with 10 minute sessions 2-3 time per week and slowly increase to 30 minute over a month.

4. Incorporate fat-burning supplements

In order to constantly have progress and don't want to reach a plateau you should incorporate different elements at different phases. Start you fat-burning supplements after several weeks being on a diet. Start with L-carnitine, Yohimbine and Caffeine.

5. Here is a summary of the steps you should take to minimize muscle loss and maximize fat loss for a 12- week cutting cycle:

a) Increase training volume - week 1-2
b) Start lowering carbohydrates – week 3-4
c) Incorporate fat-burning supplements – week – 5-6
d) Start cardio – week 7-8
e) Finish Diet – week 8-12

Fat Loss and Muscle Gain – Why they cannot happen simultaneously?

A lot of people want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. They are often frustrated by the fact that when they start gaining muscle they start getting fat as well and when they start losing fat they losing muscle mass. The body is either in a catabolic or anabolic state and depending on the overall hormone and caloric levels you can either gain muscle or lose fat.

In order to achieve an efficient muscle-gaining mode you should have a caloric surplus (this means that you should be consuming more calories, than you need), your hormonal system should be functioning optimally (testosterone and GH levels on max) and you should constantly cause a progressive adaptation stimulus to the muscles by overloading them with weight training (trying to get stronger by lifting heavy). 

In order for one to actively burn fat his adrenal and thyroid gland should be functioning to the max in order to release enough fat burning hormones (fat burning hormones speed up release of fatty acids from the your body). You should also sustain a negative caloric balance and will diet in order to stimulate the release of fat stores (eat less than needed).

Hormonal System: The human body under normal conditions has a limited capacity for hormone production. How the hormones will be used is up to the demands of the body. If you are actively training then a majority of the testosterone will be used for muscle protein synthesis and tissue regeneration. This holds true for all other hormones, thus you should choose a precise goal and follow it, in order to accumulate all the resource of your body towards achieving it.


Getting more calories than you need will make you gain mass and getting less calories than you need will make you lose mass. Simple as that. This means that there is no way to build new muscle tissue while losing fat. The body prefers to focus on one target and maintain it. 

Training: When you actively build muscle you use very heavy weights and don’t do cardio. On the contrary when you burn fat you use little more repetitions and do cardio, which doesn’t not allow for muscle gain. 

What’s the conclusion: When you burn fat – the whole body is focused and adjusted to fat burning mode, which does not allow for efficient muscle gain. On the opposite, when you are gaining muscle, the body is focused on creating new tissues and cannot actively burn fat.

You can do a bulking phase, followed by a cutting phase – this way it works best. However, remember that bulking for too long or cutting for too long will diminish your results.

How to Avoid Injuries During Workout

During my career I have injured myself on numerous occasions and all of the times the problem was avoidable if only I have been more careful. I know a lot of you suffer from chronic or acute injuries, which cause pain and do not allow you to train optimally. We all learn and making mistakes is the most common way people gain experience. However, I want you as my friends, fans and clients NOT to repeat the mistakes that I’ve made. 

Consequently, I formulated a list of the most prevalent mistakes that trainees do, which lead them to injury. I truly hope to help you with being more careful and learning from my experience. Here are the top injuries triggering factors:

1. Lifting weights that you cannot handle

One of the most widespread problems is that people try to lift weights that they cannot handle. This is an absolute cause for injuries. Be careful with the weights that you choose and always strive for quality rather than quantity. Working in the 6-8 rep range is much safer than lifting for 1-3 reps max, so try focusing on longer sets, where the weight is easier to control and you can put more emphasis on the working muscle, rather than on the joints and ligaments. Make sure you have someone to spot you while doing squats or bench presses, as this may limit the risk of injury considerably.

2. Not warming up properly 

I would recommend warming up properly before training. By warming up I don’t mean spending time on the treadmill or bike, but rather warming up with weights. This causes muscle activation and increased blood flow to the working muscles. I suggest always starting up with lighter weight and performing 15-20 repetitions to get the blood and heart pumping. Do no overstretch at the beginning of the training sessions, as you are still cold and can cause injury this way. You may also do the bike or treadmill, but no more than 5 minutes.

3. Bad lifting technique 

Bad lifting technique is often characterized by ncontrolled and explosive motion, which causes extreme dynamic stress on the joints and muscles and can cause injury. Performing an exercise in a fast and chaotic manner can seriously disturb your natural moving patterns and can cause joints and tendons to do out of place. I strongly suggest you learn the correct technique of all the exercises that you perform and this will limit the chances of looking stupid at the gym or worst – getting injured.

Source : Fail Army

4. Practicing other sports 

Out of all the cases I know, most of the people injure themselves outside the gym or in the gym, doing other sport-specific exercises. I can bet all of you have friend who regularly goes to the gym, but unfortunately gets injured at a football game, basketball or while skiing. Training in the gym makes muscles big and strong, but joint and ligaments do not grow in the same manner, so doing sports where you have dynamic change of motion can seriously injury you. 

Be careful and think of your health in the long run. I can guarantee you, that if you follow all these tips and be watchful the risk of injury is close to none. Bodybuilding and fitness are one of those sports, which you can practice safely until you get very old. Hit the gym hard and smart!

Muscle Preservation during long periods of fasting or lack of food

I am often busy and travelling and nutrition becomes a problematic issue. You cannot get your nutrients the same way as you do when you are at home, thus you have to think of an alternative in order to preserve your muscle mass. There are basically few options that you can use. I personally always use one of the following methods in order to keep my muscles toned and not to lose mass and feel tired when I don’t have a good food source nearby.

1. Package food in boxes:

The best way to eat on the road is to prepare food ahead and take it with you in boxes. Most of the time I prepare food at home, put it in boxes and take it with me wherever I go. Buy a pair of plastic boxes and put your meat and vegetables so that every time you need to eat you will have a quality food source with you.

2. BCAA drinks 

Another very efficient way to get essential nutrients with you is to put 10-20 grams of Branched-chained amino acids and 5-10 grams of glutamine in 1-2 liters of water and take it with you wherever you goal. This way your muscles will always have the most essential amino acids supplied to them and despite the fact that you may feel hungry you will still be getting the most important muscle building and anti-catabolic elements. You will also you’re your body hydrated since most of the BCAA-glutamine supplements contain electrolytic compounds as well.

3. Drink Casein

Drinking 30-40 grams of casein before you leave or go somewhere is a very good idea since casein digests slowly and it may take up to 6-7 hours to complete digest. This means that you will have a steady flow of amino acids throughout this period of time. This is another very easy and convenient way to supercharge your muscles and prevent muscle tissue catabolism simply by taking a quality casein protein.

4. Rest

If there is NO WAY to get any food or supplements during that period my advice is to rest as more as possible and drink plenty of liquids in order not to raise catabolic hormones and keep adequate hydration. Once you have the chance to eat, make sure that you ingest an adequate amount for protein 40-50 grams with carbohydrates like white rice or potatoes in order to charge your muscles. Before the meal take 5-10 grams of BCAA to quick start protein synthesis and halt protein breakdown.

Arnold Pranks Fans as the Terminator for Charity

Fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger got the shock of their lives when they lined up for photos with a wax sculpture of the action star – and he suddenly came to life.

The former Governor of California walked around the streets of Hollywood dressed as the T-800 before posing as a wax statue at the Madame Tussauds wax museum.

The crowds in Hollywood didn’t seem to believe it was Arnie, even after he stood next to a fellow impersonator.

The stunt was organised by the OMAZE campaign, which uses big-name celebrities to raise money for a range of charities.

Those who donate US$50,000 or more will be entered into a competition where you can hang out and share a Schnapps with Mr Schwarzenegger at the premiere of Terminator: Genisys.

Donations will go towards ASAS, After-School All-Stars, a charity which provides after-school programs to keep children safe.

Arnold Pranks Fans as the Terminator for Charity
Arnold Schwarzenegger disguised as The Terminator trying to fool an impersonator in Hollywood. (YouTube/ Arnold Scwazenegger) 

Arnold Pranks Fans as the Terminator for Charity


Source : 9news


Saya selalu ditanya tentang tips dan nasihat mengenai bagaimana nak masak makanan yang sedap dan sihat.

Meal plan for sixpax

Lelaki yang aktif memerlukan makanan untuk badan yang sihat, jika tidak, diet jadi bosan kerana pengalaman pemakanan yang tidak menyelerakan. Makan makanan yang baik tidak bermakna ia mempunyai rasa tak sedap dan memaksa anda untuk memakannya, itulah sebabnya penting untuk belajar teknik berbeza menyediakan makanan anda, supaya anda dapat menikmati diet tanpa mengenepikan bahan-bahan penting dan makan secara konsisten.

Apabila membeli ayam saya sentiasa mencari dada ayam tanpa tulang atau kulit. Mengambil notis mengenai tarikh luput dan memastikan daging yang segar, nampak elok dan tak lebam-lebam. 

Saya cadangkan anda jangan membeli dada ayam beku, kerana mempunyai banyak air yang berlebihan dan kadang-kadang bahan pengawet. Saya cadangkan anda menyediakan ayam 1 hari sebelum. Ini bermakna anda akan mempunyai kuantiti yang cukup untuk memasak di antara 400 dan 1000 gram ayam sekaligus. 

Pastikan anda ada kuali yang besar. Saya menggunakan kuali seramik atau Teflon, ia adalah penting untuk mempunyai kuali yang berkualiti, kerana anda akan menggunakannya pada setiap hari.

Hidupkan api dengan baik dan letakkan kuali di atas. Tunggu selama 1-2 minit untuk kuali untuk menjadi panas dan kemudian letakkan lapisan mentega di atasnya. Saya lebih suka mentega dan minyak zaitun untuk memasak. Minyak kelapa pun boleh. 

Sebaik sahaja anda meletakkan lapisan mentega tunggu lagi 30 saat dan letakkan dada ayam. Sebelum anda letakkan dada ayam di kuali pastikan anda memotong lemak dan buang mana-mana tulang kecil. 

Potong ayam menjadi kepingan besar dan nipis dan taburkan rempah kari di sekelilingnya. Setelah selasai boleh masukkan kedalam kuali.

Masak ayam selama kira-kira 10 minit. Jika anda potong  ayam nipis-nipis ia mungkin mengambil masa yang kurang, tetapi jika anda memasak dada ayam secara keseluruhan tanpa dipotong saya cadangkan anda masak sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit. 

Adalah penting untuk terbalikkan ayam di setiap 2- 3 minit untuk memastikan ayam masak secara rata. Jika anda mempunyai penutup kuali anda boleh tutup kuali pada akhir selama 2-3 minit untuk memerangkap stim di dalam dan mengeluarkan jus-jus ayam. 

Setelah siap, biarkan ayam diluar selama 1-2 minit untuk untuk mengekalkan jus dan aroma apabila anda potong ayam menjadi kepingan. Nikmati hidangan anda dan letakkan ayam yang selebihnya ke dalam kotak plastik untuk waktu makan yang seterusnya.

4 Gaya Hidup yang Menghalang Anda Untuk Mendapatkan Bentuk Badan Idaman Anda

Semua orang bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencari cara pemakanan yang betul, nutrisi yang cukup tapi sedikit sahaja yang sedar bahawa gaya hidup kita juga perlu diubah untuk mendapatkan bentuk badan idaman kalbu awek-awek dan jejaka-jejaka macho di luar sana. Apa 4 gaya hidup yang selalu anda buat tanpa sedar dan tidak sedar?Sini saya nak share

1. Minum Terlampau Banyak Alkohol.

Kebanyakan orang pergi ke disco dan tempat-tempat sewaktunya dan minum alkohol tanpa kawalan. Selapas minum alkoho andammerlukan beberapa hari untuk badan kembali seperti sedia kala atau pun dalam situasi diet yang sebenar. 

Tapi kalau sudah selalu sangat minum alkohol bila masa badan kita nak kembali kepada asal?Gula makin lama makin bertambah dalam badan dan lama-lama mula la enam pax anda menjadi satu pax. Mana boleh turun berat badan kalau macam tu kalau bagi yang memang terlebih berat.

Jadi nasihat saya, minum alkohol pada waktu2 yang penting sahaja bagi anda seperti ulangtahun perkahwinan ataupun hari jadi. Hati2 dan kalau boleh elakkan terus minum alkohol.

2. Tidak Cukup Tidur

Semasa tidur  badan kita membaiki tisu rosak  dan meningkatkan pengeluaran hormon bagi membolehkan ia berfungsi secara optimum apabila kita terjaga.

Nasihat saya adalah untuk mendapatkan sekurang-kurangnya 7 jam penuh dengan tidur yang berkualiti untuk satu malam, kurang dari ini akan mula mempengaruhi mood anda, tumpuan, prestasi dan gaya hidup.

3. Skip Masa Makan

Pelan pemakanan yang baik bukan yang mempunyai makanan yang cukup dan optimum, tetapi satu yang anda boleh ikut dengan effektif. Nasihat saya adalah untuk menyediakan makanan harian anda pada waktu pagi, masukkannya ke dalam kotak plastik dan bawa ianya dengan anda tidak kira di mana anda berada. Ini akan membolehkan anda untuk mengikuti diet anda dengan teliti dan tidak skip masa makan.

Skip masa makan mungkin tidak kelihatan sebagai isu yang serius, tetapi ia sering membawa kepada kebiasaan buruk seperti sentiasa tidak makan atau menggantikan mereka dengan beberapa makanan ringan semasa bekerja. Disiplin dan konsisten adalah kunci kejayaan dalam setiap pelan pemakanan.

4. Makan Makanan Ringan

Kebanyakan orang yang mempunyai rejimen pemakanan ketat melihat makanan ringan sebagai ganjaran untuk disiplin mereka. Saya personally melihat makanan ringan ... sebagai sampah. 

Mengapa nak bekalkan badan anda dengan"makanan palsu", apabila anda boleh memberikan nutrien berkualiti yang diperlukan badan untuk berfungsi secara optimum. Ia tidak masuk akal untuk makan makanan ringan, seperti gula-gula, minuman soda, sandwich makanan segera dan lain-lain. Sesetengah orang akan mengatakan mereka tidak mempunyai makanan yang berkualiti berhampiran tempat kerja mereka - untuk orang-orang tersebut saya cakap, "membaca komen sebelum ini mengenai skip makan."

Ada orang lain akan berkata ia adalah idea yang baik untuk meningkatkan metabolisme anda dengan memberikan badan beberapa kalori tambahan sekali-sekala. Sebahagiannya benar, kerana lebihan kalori membawa kepada meningkatkan hormon leptin dan seterusnya meningkatkan kadar metabolik basal. Walau bagaimanapun, anda boleh mencapai matlamat ini dengan makanan yang sihat juga.

Nasihat saya adalah untuk mengelakkan makanan ringan dan makanan segera, kerana ini akan menghancurkan usaha anda untuk nampak seksi dan macho. Sediakan dan bawa makanan tersebut bersama anda. Ianya mudah, sihat dan lebih murah, Saya lakukanya sudah lama anda mesti boleh lakukan juga.



1. Increase calories gradually

In order to gain muscle mass you should eat more calories than you burn. Eating more is, however, is a very broad term. once you establish an approximate maintainance calories intake uptake, add an additional 300 calories, no more. Gradully you will start gaining weight without getting fat. After a period of several weeks add an additional 300 calories. Continue like this until the end of your bulking phase, but don't add more than 1500 calories for the whole period. The slow introduction to new calories to your system will make it adapt and rise your resting metabolic rate, .hich increases your capacity for food consumption and muscle gain, without much fat deposition.

Gaining muscle

2. Quality over quantity

When bulking you should be concerned not only on how much food you eat, but also on WHAT foods you eat. The quality of the food is very indicative of whether it will be digested and used by the body efficiently, or it is more likely to be stored as fat. Thus, recommend you choose foods sources that provide quality calories. For example: you can get 100 grams of carbs from 1liter of coca cola, but you can also get them from 150 grams of brown rice. In this situation the sugar-filled beverage will create huge insulin spike, which will make you retain some of the extra carbs as fat, while the complex carbs from the rice will provide you will long lasting energy and fill the muscle glycogen stores much more efficiently.

3. Do not do bulking for too long

Too many people do bulking for too long. We all have those friends who are on constant bulking for the past several years, a.k.a. permanent bulk. Why is this not optimal in the long run? The body is very complex system, which quickly recognizes and adapts to whatever it is forced upon it. In a typical bulking phase carbohydrates are increased, as they provide the easiest and cheapest source of energy. The maintenance of high levels of carbohydrate consumption for long period of time causes a drop in insulin sensitivity. Lowered insulin sensitivity means that your body doesn't ond to insulin very efficiently and this creates a "damaged" glucose deposition and usage system, which will ultimately lead to more fat deposits and less muscle glycogen.

My advice is to do bulking for 2-3 weeks followed by 1-2 weeks of lowered carbohydrate intake. Another way is to eat high carbs for 2-3 days of the weeks, followed by 1-2 days of low carb consumption. This cycling will help maintain good insulin sensitivity and the body will continue to use carbs efficiently and prevent unwanted gain in fat. Carb cycling is essential for optimized muscle growth and fat loss!

Gainning muscle is not that hard. Practice these and see the diffrent.


Weight loss motivation? where the motivation to keep exercising and eat clean came from?Actually, it comes from yourself:)

The question I hear usually is “How does one keep therefore motivated?” Or I hear “I start off excited for a brand new program and then i purchase aspect half-track and my motivation is gone.” Often, girls quit once they aren’t seeing results as quickly as they’d like. Staying intended takes practice. It’s one thing you have got to figure on daily to stay, a bit like feeding right and exercise. I’ve spent a good deal of your time keeping myself intended in order that I don’t give up. On days once the very last thing i need to try to to is eat healthy or break a sweat, i'll reach for a chunk of motivation. this can typically get Maine re-energized to leap right back in.

Another weight loss motivation come from is by vizualing and keep positive. 

This is a large part of my consistent success. I visualize daily, over and over per day. significantly before my work-outs, particularly if I’m tired and/or don’t want exercising. I visualize how smart I’m progressing to feel, how much nearer i'm to my goals, however I’ll regret not figuring out and I picture myself operating hard throughout my sessions.

Sometimes by imaging the actual item or image helps greatly with this method. Are you going on vacation? Costume or dress you wish to wear that you simply will see daily. Getting married? Realize a photograph of your dream dress and tape it to your tub room mirror. this can keep you going! It’s an excellent visual reminder!


Surrounding yourself with mental pictures, photos, things and psychological feature individuals can
keep you on the correct track. also - speak nice to yourself! Talking right down to yourself ("I
don't know if I will do it", "It's hard") will not do something smart for you! know that you simply
are reaching your goals though you can’t see immediate results!

Kick negative thoughts to the curb. These are loser-ville thoughts and don’t entertain
them for a second. Seek advice from yourself the method you would inspire your best friend!
Know you'll do something you set your mind to!

Learn the correct exercise techniques first with someone you trust before progressing yourself to the advance exercise so that, you won't hurt yourself at the starting point. Don't get hurt too much before you can achieve your fitness goal as this will demotivate you to go further. Always do correct exercise techniques by learning from the best people you know and consult with them what the best exercise you can learn from them.

To maintain weight loss motivation may not be easily for some person but it is easy for other person. Last but not least…give it your all! We all have bad days. Just get back up and
keep on moving. This is not all or nothing! It is about what you can do better today.